
Welcome to Brighton Community Darkroom. It is run on a not-for-profit basis to enable people to have affordable access to a darkroom to develop and print film or to create images using various alternative processes. Darkrooms whether private or commercial have become an endangered species and we hope this darkroom will allow people to carry on or try analogue photography.


We are based in Quebec Street, in the Hanover area of Brighton.


£25 per month for regular users to be paid by standing order. This includes chemicals. We have a small stock of donated paper, some of which is pretty vintage. There is also a £35 key deposit payable when members join.

If you would like to become a user please contact us. Users can book sessions via our online booking system.


The darkroom is set up for black and white photography for a single user, with an online booking system. There is 24 hour access and all members have a set of keys. We have a Devere enlarger allowing negatives from 35mm to 5×4 inches to be printed. The darkroom is well-stocked and we have a variety of trays allowing prints up to 20×24 inches to be printed, plus all the usual darkroom paraphernalia, including many Paterson developing tanks, reels etc.

Our users range from beginners to the very experienced, and all are welcome. For those new to the darkroom or whose skills may be rusty, a simple induction running through the basics can be arranged by one of the volunteers.


Bookings are only open to members. To join please contact us.

If you’re already a member: to create a booking use the youcanbook.me link you received when you joined.


The darkroom is run by a group of the regular users, we meet on a quarterly basis.

Discussion between members and non-members also take place via the Facebook Group.

Photos by Nick Flach, Elissa Diver, and Stephen Lamprell.